Wednesday 10 December 2008

American Famous Buildings

American Famous Buildings, America's Wars,
President of America 1789 - 1849,
President of America 1849 - 1901,
President of America 1901 - 2001

The two towers in New York's World Trade Center stood
1,360-feet (415-meters) tall

The Empire State Building in New York City. The view from the building's 86th-floor observatory is one of New York City's top tourist attractions.

The Empire State Building's 73 elevators can move 600 to 1,400 feet (183 to 427 meters) per minute. At the maximum speed, you can travel from the lobby to the 80th floor in 45 seconds.

The Chrysler Building in New York City.

The distinctive chrome-nickel-steel crown of the 1,046-foot (319-meter) Chrysler Building is a classic example of art deco architecture.

The 738-foot (225-meter) Chase Tower in Dallas is a good example of the innovative design of the 1980s.
The Statue of Liberty was designed in the 1870's by a famous sculptor from France. A sculptor is a person who builds statues from materials such as marble, clay, or copper. Mr. Auguste Bartholdi, the French sculptor desired to build a statue, which would represent the idea of American liberty and independence. He desired to raise the funds for the project by receiving gifts from the French people. He wanted the statue to be a symbol of the friendship between France and America.

The White House, since 1800 the official residence of the president of the United States, is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. The winner of a 1792 competition for its design was the Irish-American architect James Hoban, whose dignified neoclassical plan was a virtual copy of a project in James Gibbs's Book of Architecture (1728). As early as 1807, Benjamin Latrobe, the principal architect of the Capitol, sought to improve the building by preparing designs for pavilions at either end (added that year in collaboration with Thomas Jefferson), for interior alterations, and for porticos on both fronts. After the building was burned (1814) by the British, it was reconstructed (1815-17) by Hoban, who also added (1826) the semicircular South Portico that Latrobe had proposed and completed (1829) Latrobe's rectangular North Portico.

The White House was extensively remodeled (1902) by the firm of McKim, Mead, and White, which also added the East Gallery and the Executive Office Wing. Between 1948 and 1952 the building, deemed structurally unsound, was gutted and its interior structure replaced with steel framing, within which the original rooms were reconstructed. Since 1961 each First Lady has contributed to a continuing effort to refurbish the interior. The resultant enhancement has made the White House a veritable museum of decorative arts of the first quarter of the 19th century.

America's Wars

American Famous Buildings, America's Wars, President of America 1789 - 1849,
President of America 1849 - 1901, President of America 1901 - 2001

The American Revolution

From 1775 to 1782, the Americans faced off against the largest empire in the world. Led by General Washington they won. Learn about the causes of the war, and follow each battle in this section.

The War of 1812

Some call it the Second War of Independence, for when it ended and the US had fought Great Britain to a stalemate, America's independence was assured. Each of the major events in this war are covered.

Mexican-American War

Learn how the dispute over Texas joining the Union resulted in US conquest of California and the balance of the Southwest

The Civil War

It was America's bloodiest war as brother fought brother. Learn about the battles, read first hand accounts, and even watch a multimedia presentation.

The Spanish-American War
America became a world power with its victory over the Spanish in this war. Learn about the major events in this war in the section.
World War I

Millions died in the fields of Europe, sometimes while fighting over a few disputed yards. Learn about the major battles and events in this the first major war of the century.

World War II
It was a war like no other, and covered all corners of the gobe. Learn about the major battles of the war in this section.
The Korean War

Some call it the forgotten war, but for two years America fought a full fledged war to keep South Korea free. Find out about all the battles of America's forgotten war.

Vietnam War

It was the longest war that the United States fought and the only one that the United States lost. Learn about the major battles and events, as well statistics of the war on this site.

Desert Storm
The last war America took part in the 20th century took place when Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. The major events of the war are depicted here.

Operation Enduring Freedom

War came to America on September 11th 2001 with an attack on NY and Washington. Not since the Battle of Antietem had so many Americans perished in a day.

Iraqi Freedom
On March 19th 2003 the United States invaded Iraq to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein. Over three years later, US troops continue to fight an insurgency there.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Presedent of America (1789 - 1849)

American Famous Buildings, America's Wars,
President of America 1789 - 1849,
President of America 1849 - 1901,
President of America 1901 - 2001

George Washington
John Adams 1797-1801
Thomas Jefferson 1801-09
James Madison 1809-17
James Monroe 1817-25
John Quincy Adams 1825-29
Andrew Jackson 1829-37
Martin Van Burn 1837-41
William Henry Harrison 1841
John tyler 1841-45
James K. Polk 1845-49

President of America (1849 - 1901)

American Famous Buildings, America's Wars,
President of America 1789 - 1849,
President of America 1849 - 1901,
President of America 1901 - 2001

Zachary taylor
Millard Fillmore 1850-53
Franklin Pierce 1853-57
James Buchanan 1857-61
Abraham Lincoln 1861-65
Andrew Johnson 1865-69
Ulysses S. Grant 1869-77
Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-81
James A. Garfield 1881
Chester A. Arthur 1881-85
Grover Cleveland 1885-89 1893-97
Benjamin Harrison 1889-93
William McKinley 1897-1901

Monday 8 December 2008

President of America (1901 - 2001)

American Famous Buildings, America's Wars,
President of America 1789 - 1849,
President of America 1849 - 1901,
President of America 1901 - 2001

Theodore Roosevelt 1901-09
William H. Taft 1909-13
Woodrow Wilson 1913-21
Warren G. Harding 1921-23
Calvin Coolidge 1923-29
Herbert Hoover 1929-33
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-45
Harry S Truman 1945-53
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-61
John F. Kennedy 1961-63
Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-69
Gerald R. Ford 1974-77
Jimmy Carter 1977-81
Ronald Reagan 1981-89
George H. W. Bush 1989-93
William J. Clinton 1993-01
George W. Bush 2001-09
Barack Hussain Obama 2009
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