Sunday 30 January 2011

rules for miss world

Rule 1(Eat Every 2.5 – 3 Hours) This usually equates to eating six small meals per day, but I cannot stress enough that this only works if your meals are nutritious and in small proportions; you can’t eat six dinners a day and fight fat.
Rule 2(Only Eat Until Full) If you can master this habit of only eating until full (you will be able to utilise the benefits of Rule No.3), you are headed for spectacular results.
Rule 3 (Eat A Variety Of Foods - Practicing Moderation)You can eat whatever you like, providing that you don't 'over-do it'. I encourage a day where you are less restrictive in what you eat than other days so you give yourself some freedom and don’t fell like your on a ‘diet’.
Rule 4(Change Your Beliefs About Yourself) Set yourself some high standards. Just because you may have failed in your attempts in the past, it does not mean that you can not succeed this time. Accept the importance of supportive beliefs rather than self-destructive and the self-defeating type actions. Realise that in order for a person to quickly and permanently change - then they will need to create what is known as leverage. They will need to create many reasons for wanting to make this change (the more reasons the better) only by doing this, can they realise the many benefits that will be derived if the change is made. This can be further reinforced or leveraged by attaching immense pain to no change. However, do not focus primarily on the pain aspect - focus more on the benefits to be derived from the new 'you'. In your imagination picture the ‘new you’, believe he / she is real. By doing this, you are literally sowing the seed to bring the ‘new you’ to life. There is no need to use stress and strain to force a mental state, just do it in a relaxed state without 'forcing' any particular feelings or thoughts. Guide your imagination - don't push it. The best times to perform this mental exercise / visualization are upon awakening in the morning and before sleep at night.
Rule 5 (Do Not Eat High Fat Foods In Combination With High Sugar Foods) Understand how eating high fat food in combination with high sugar foods (especially late at night) maximises fat retention. High sugar foods elevate Insulin levels, the higher the Glycemic index, the greater the Insulin response. One role of Insulin as a potent hormone is to store dietary fats, therefore, if you eat a high fat food with a high sugar food, you are placing your body in a physiological state to store dietary fat and you are also supplying the dietary fat that will ultimately be stored.Eating the high fat / high sugar combination just before going to bed escalates the problem as your body will store even more fat during sleep due to the bodies inactivity.
Rule 6 – (Weight Train To Metabolise Fat Longer) Weight training has a large effect at burning body fat indirectly. This is due to the fact, that muscle requires more energy just to exist than fat does. Your metabolism becomes faster from weight training regularly. An added benefit is the temporary increase of metabolism for many hours after weight training. For maximum fat loss, it is best to exercise early in the day (such as in the morning) to take full advantage of this fact.
For long term, lasting results, choose a routine that:
· You Enjoy
· Fits in with your lifestyle (Time constraints etc)
· Is sufficiently intense to stimulate muscular growth with out over-training and allows sufficient time between body parts for full recovery
When you finally settle on a system of training that benefits you, stick to it. Do not keep changing just for the sake of change. If you hit a sticking point with a routine that has been working well, just make subtle changes to get it working again.
Rule 7 (Do Some Aerobic Work)
Aerobic work burns fat calories. The most efficient intensity for fat burning is conversation pace. Weight bearing exercises such as running and walking burn more calories per hour than non-weight bearing such as swimming - so if you are limited for time, do weight bearing exercises.
Preferably do the aerobic work straight after weight training when your Glycogen levels are low. This will help burn more body fat. Two to Three, 30 - 45 minute sessions per week, are sufficient. Do not overdo the aerobic work.
Rule 8 – (Take The Fat Weight off with a High Protein Low Carb Type Diet)
A high protein low carbohydrate diet is not for everyone and should not be used for long term but for short term fat loss and lean mass retention it is very effective.
Rule 9 – (Regulate Your Protein Intake)
You don’t have to be on a high protein low carbohydrate diet for this rule, it applies to anyone weight training and wanting to obtain a leaner physique. You need to keep your protein intake at around 2.2 grams per kilo of bodyweight per day. This will help minimize the chances of losing valuable muscle tissue.
Rule 10 – (Learn The Previous Nine Rules And Put Some Of Them Immediately Into Practice, So That They Become A Habit)
We are creatures of habit; the trick is to become a 'master of good habits' rather than a 'slave to bad habits'.
Make working out FUN; bring a partner, do something different, try training at different times of the day, get a personal trainer to motivate you.

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