Sunday 13 March 2011

How to propose a girl

Are you nervous on how to propose to your girl? Well, don’t be. Here are some tips that can help you in knowing the best ways in which you can propose to a girl. The one thing that you should keep in mind while proposing is that girls are very sensitive and every girl are different from the other. So make sure that your way of proposing to the girl should be unique in your own way, and should be according to the temperament of the girl.

Some of the best ideas for proposing a girl are mentioned below. Try them out and win the heart of your lady.

1. Be yourself. This is the first rule that you need to get into your mind when you think of proposing a girl. Do not overdo your proposal. Keep it simple yet special and sweet. Be who you are, and in your own special way say those three golden words.

2. Another old way of proposing is going down on your knees with a red rose in your hand. Though this is an old way of proposing, this still goes down the line and is bound to impress any girl.

3. Make her feel special by taking her out for a quiet romantic dinner. Prepare well and have her favorite dishes ordered for the two of you. Have her favorite music playing in the background and find a nice romantic moment to propose her. She will definitely be moved by the effort that you would have taken for arranging the special dinner.

4. You can get a banner prepared with the word I Love You and have it displayed outside her house or in the workplace. It is advised that you do not use her real name on the banner, but use the endearment that you generally use to call her.

5. Take her to the place where you met each other for the first time. Recreate the same moment and then propose to her. It will definitely move her and get embossed on her memory for lifetime.

6. If it is possible for you and you can afford it, have your proposal written on the sky. You can contact the skywriting company and have it arranged when the two of you are together.

7. You can make arrangement for asking your neighbors to put off their lights and have the windows lit up in the words I Love You. Take her to the balcony and open her eyes when everything is set. She will definitely love this.

8. You can drive to the beach in the evening and with some romantic soft music playing. Just as the sun is going down whisper the three words that she is longing to hear in her ears. This will definitely make her melt.

9. If both of you are the adventurous kinds, then you can plan an early morning trek to a nearby place, and when the sun is rising go on your knees and propose her on top of the summit.

10. If you want to make it dramatic and funny, then you can have a water gun and hold it out on her and say you are under arrest, and when she is all shocked and panicky then say for stealing my heart and say out I Love You.

With these great ideas you can definitely win her heart. So pull up your sleeves and walk up to her and say out what you have in your heart.

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