Monday 15 August 2011



Body spray has become increasingly popular in men, in today's society people take first impressions and make their judgments based on this. One of the most recognizable body spray television commercial shows a man spraying himself with body spray and women come flocking from all directions. The concept, intended for the much younger, generally single male market, has somehow managed to convince men that women will respond to a man who uses body spray.

There are many brands of body sprays for men to choose from and they all smell the same except the musk scent, the strongest smell of them all, which do not require refreshing every two hours.
Unfortunately, the younger market relates the smell to Grandpa and the good old boys. What men do not know is musk-scented men’s body spray lasts longer and has none of the overpowering scent associated with most body sprays.
The hip appeal of masculine scented body splash or after bath body sprays is provocative and stimulating and created for the sole purpose of attracting women. It is more like a guarantee. The more often men use body spray the better. Thus, for men who are looking forward to impress and delight at the same time, give body spray for men a chance

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